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Lily & Thom's Diary
28 janvier 2008

1 Year Old Today / J'ai Un An Aujourd'hui

1 Year Old Today / J'ai Un An Aujourd'hui
Lily celebrated her big day with all of her playmates. Here are some photos as a taster kindly taken by Simone and Yvette while we wait for Mummy and Papa to download photos. Lily a fete son anniversaire avec tous ses petits copains. Voila quelques photos...
26 janvier 2008

Mummy's Little Helper / J'Aide Mummy

Mummy went back to work this week and Lily is stepping up around the house. As you'll see she's got emptying the washing machine down pat but we're a way off handling putting a load on! Mummy est retourne au travail cette semaine et Lily s'est montree...
20 janvier 2008

Parrain Fabien Back from Peru

Parrain Fabien Back from Peru
Lily had a whale of a time catching up with her Godfather Fabien on Sunday. He had just got back from a long trip to South America where he and Brigitte had chosen a gorgeous Peruvian dress for Lily.
16 janvier 2008


15 janvier 2008

I Walk like a Big Girl / Je Marche comme une Grande Fille

Today was the day Lily started walking to get nearly everywhere. We are trying to adjust to the wonderful visions of an upright Lily walking from room to room. She is just so happy! Aujourd'hui etait le jour ou Lily a commence de marcher pour aller presque...
12 janvier 2008

El and Dave + Surprise Visit

El and Dave + Surprise Visit
El and Dave came to Paris for the weekend and Lily had so much fun with them. She made them giggle with the funny face she made when eating raspberries for the first time and surprised everyone (and nearly made her Mummy fall off her chair in disbelief)...
9 janvier 2008

New Tricks / Nouveaux Trucs

Lily has been very busy the last couple of weeks and now says 'Mama', empties and tries to refill her stacking cups, waves bye-bye, pushes her walker back and forwards across the room on her own. Pressure is on for Mummy and Papa to keep up! Lily a ete...
7 janvier 2008

My Second First Christmas / Mon Deuxieme Premier Noel

My Second First Christmas / Mon Deuxieme Premier Noel
We had a lovely long weekend in Carquefou celebrating Christmas with Mame, Pape, Celine, Anne-Laure, Camille and Ewok the dog (Lily is fascinated by him and adorably reaches out to stroke him but pulls her hand away a bit like she does when you say 'hot!)....
4 janvier 2008

8 Teeth / 8 Dents

Lily just produced 2 new bottom teeth without any sleepless nights! Bravo. Lily vient de produire 2 nouvelles dents en bas sans nuits agitees! Bravo.
Lily & Thom's Diary